Premium Template GiveAway – Quickstart Joomla 2.5 Template Releases


Premium Template Give-Away and B. Mercury, Quickstart click by click Venus, Venus Joomla 2.5 Templates


Great news for our users of 4 Joomla templates: B.MetisB. MercuryBJ Venus and BJ Venus 2!

– Annoying issues with these templates are now fixed.

– FREE giveaway for B. Mercury Pro (worth $ 24.9) until 3rd of May 2014.

– BJ Venus now has  2 styles: Dark and Light versions!
bj venus dark and light color joomla template


– B. Metis 3.2 and other product 3.2 release!


BJ Metis template

What you need to do is simply following these steps to get the free template of B.Mercury Pro

  • Go to Client Area on HomePage
  • Choose Buy B. Mercury
  • On Registration Form, choose B. Mercury Pro ($24.90) for Membership Type
  • Fill in your information, please note that the email address should be authentic
  • Read our agreement terms, please note that by clicking Submit, you agree to our terms and conditions notice
  • When you see this site Product Checkout Summary, simply EXIT the page (by clicking “Close” icon on the top of your window). By this way, we know that you have registered for BJ Mercury Pro, for FREE. Then send us the email to notify with Subject as ” B. Mercury Giveaway”, we will activate the template for you.
  • For more details, please refer our Payment and Download Instruction

Special note:

  • Customers who purchased the old version of B. Mercury and wish to change a new theme, please  send us your transaction ID to to receive another template of  ByJoomla upon your demand.
  • We have secretly put the 100% coupon code in our close partner sites, in case you have the code, send us an email including your name, and the Coupon Code to to recieve your product

Here is changelog we have made for these templates:

  • [B. Mercury 1.5] Drop-down menu extensions didn’t work: Fixed
  • [B. Mercury] Unable to choose colors for B.Mercury 2.5 on demo site: Fixed
  • [B.Metis] Installation bugs on PHP.5.4: Fixed

Upgrading BJ Venus Dark, BJ Venus Light and BJ Venus 2 to fully support Joomla 2.5:

  • Errors while installing on Joomla 2.5: Fixed
  • Release Free Quick Start Package (same with install new Joomla) including the template, extensions, sample database… which once you install successfully, you will have a complete website that is exactly same as our Demo site
  • Attached extensions are upgraded to be fully compatible with Joomla 2.5 and the templates including:

Upgrade Instruction:

  1. Backup your data and database
  2. Check carefully the aforementioned change-log and uninstall the old templates/extensioins (remove the affected files)
  3. Install the new version of templates/extensions
  4. Or using QuickStart Install file that having a complete website like our demo BJ Venus, BJ Venus 2 and BJ Venus Light version (Remember that all your old database will be removed when using QuickStart Install like Installing newJoomla 2.5)
BJ Mercury is the simple to use business/ portfolio template from ByJoomla. Below are its main features:
– 6 variable colors- A huge typography library.
– Adjustable content presentation with more than 12 modules that is flexible and best-match for any businesses.
– Fast Direct Technical Support (available for PRO and DEV customers)
– Flash free/ SEO friendly with SEO parameters/ Multi browsers compatible and much more.
Come and have more insights on the Joomla Template B Mercury.

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