Hi, In this release, we fix one bug in Image Slider 2 module, in which the images do not swap if  “Show Controller” is set to “No”. This will affects versions 1.5.5, 2.5.4 and 3.5.4 of BJ Image Slider 2 We would like to say thank you to Mario Wilkens who noticed us about this
Today we release a small update of Image Slider 2 module which fix the “blinking” issue when the slider first loaded. This update covers all there package Free, Pro and Dev, which means the latest version of Image Slider 2 module is 1.5.1, 2.5.1 and 3.5.1
BJ Newstabber is an useful module that helps to show news in a tabber-style. BJ Newstabber is a free module, however, it comes with BJ Synegy Pro Package only. Please purchase here to have the latest version of BJ Synegy template including this interesting module Below is a figure of BJ Newstabber, as can be

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