How to Install Quick Start Package on Joomla 3.0
  Note: Before installing quick-start package, you need to install Joomla 3.x (support 3.2.x and 3.3.x). Please check Joomla 3.x FAQs to have details for installing Joomla 3.x Quick-start Package is the best choice for users who want to kick-start a new ByJoomla template. Please check the guide below to understand how to implement Quickstart
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SHOW YOUR TUTORIALS, TAKE YOUR FREE BYJOOMLA TEMPLATE For customers are currently using ByJoomla products, this contest will be the chance for you to show up their modifying tips, and also learn new tutorials. Let’s show the world some tips to decorate websites and take a chance to win the contest! Make your own tutorials
Please note that tab number is counted from left to right and stating from 1. Link activation in the same Content tab For example, there are 5 different tabs in the same Content tab. From the tab number 1, you can link that tab to tab number 3 using this Link activation function, and visitors
ByJoomla’s blog has been a very effective channel parallel with other online channels (for example, forum or Facebook fan page) for people to find some additional information, news or updates from ByJoomla. It not only providing product news or promotion announcement but also many configuring and administrating tips when using ByJoomla products. From download instructions
Let’s come to see how can we install Sample data for BJ Venus or BJ Venus 2 First step, log in to your Joomla administration Second, go to Extensions –> Install/Uninstall, browse for your template installation file and click “Upload File & Install”
Sample data is provided in download package of PRO and DEV version. We call it QUICKSTART package If you cannot find it, you can download it again in the Byjoomla client site NOTE: This package will create a new Joomla installation with all BJ extensions and sample data. We use localhost server to present.
1. Choose a template color in Joomla CMS backend. For example, you can choose black color, blue or any other color you want.
This tutorial will show you how to insert link to images on BJ Image Slider & BJ Image Slider 2 😉 (this feature only avaulable on Pro/Dev version) Upload image 1.1   First, log on to your website using your administration account. 1.2   On the component tab, go to BJ Image Slider >> Manage Images

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